Would like to showcase some interesting scouting videos that I have found online.
Boy Scout Commercial – Helpful
This is a 30 commercial about Boy Scouting featuring the Scout Law point – helpful. It is comical and shows how far a Scout may go to be helpful. (Note: Helpful is one of the Scout Law in the USA but not Singapore)
Cub Scouting Commerical (Door Lock)
Here is a humorous commercial promoting Cub Scouting. A father and son are working on one of the Cub Scout requirements by fixing the lockset on the back door.
“The Truth About Scouting” BSA promo
A 60-second spot for the Boy Scouts of America, first showing the public’s perception of scouting, then the real thing. (For some reason it’s very choppy, like stop-frame, but that wasn’t intended. I don’t know why YouTube is doing that.)