This is the official website of Gan Eng Seng Dragon Scout Group and this is the 6th iteration of the website since 1998. To see how Dragons Online! was like in the past, use the Wayback Machine found at the Internet Archive.
To know about our history, please view the respective pages as follows:
- History of Gan Eng Seng Dragon Scout Group
- Structure of Gan Eng Seng Dragon Scout Group
- Singapore Scouting History
- Founder of Scouting: Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell
All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The remainder are property of Gan Eng Seng Dragon Scout Group, otherwise stated. © All rights reserved.
You are free to view, download and print the documents and information available on Dragons Online! subject to the following conditions:
- Permission must be obtained from the webmasters of Dragons Online! or the respective content owners when stated.
- You may not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices contained in the documents and information on Dragons Online!
- The rights specified above to view, download and print the documents and information available on Dragons Online! are not applicable to the logos, design or layout of Dragons Online! These elements may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part unless permission is approved.
If you have any dispute/enquiry/request, please contact the webmasters using the webform below or email them at the following email: webmaster (at) dragonscouts (dot) com
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