It’s the first cub scout day post-Covid! Check out the fun and laughter that our cubs had in GESS as they climbed, pulled, jumped, tied and...
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Brown cum Jobweek Camp 2023
This year was the first time we combined the 2 camps together. Starting with a ‘Wheel Me’ exercise to get our patrol moving followed by a...
Continue reading...South Area Mind Quiz 2023
6 of our Dragons took part in the South Area Mind Quiz 2023 held in RI. Our Dragons did not fail us as they emerge as...
Continue reading...Sec 2 & 3 Camp
2023 marks the year when we can have our Sec 2 and Sec 3 overnight camp again! It had been close to 3 years since we...
Continue reading...2023 Recruitment
Check out the fun activities and experiences we provided to our newly joined Gessians. These allow them to choose DSG as their first choice!!! ONWARD!!!
Continue reading...2022 Brown Camp 2
11 Nov to 13 Nov, our Dragons embarked on a 3 days 2 nights camp at Sarimbun Scout Camp. This is the very first time the...
Continue reading...DSG100 Cycling
As 2022 marks the year when Dragons celebrate 100 years of Dragon Scouting, the Dragons went on a 100 km cycling trip to celebrate this occasion....
Continue reading...South Area Orienteering Competition 22
27 August our Dragons took part in the South Area Orienteering Competition. This is a first time we are able to gather together in the outdoor...
Continue reading...DSG@Botanic Garden
On 19 Aug, DSG went on a hike to Botanic Garden and had a Dragon Hunt activity. They were exploring and navigating to know more about...
Continue reading...Celebrating SG57 Stronger Together Majulah
This year is a special year as we finally have a chance to march in the arena and celebrate together as one big family. Though the...
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