I was reading this article titled “Learn from Taiwan, Singaporeans” at TODAYonline and had some thoughts after that (copy of article here, in case the article is removed).
I have witness such acts of ungraciousness as mentioned in the article personally myself. However, I do need to point out that gracious acts do happen (such as giving up seats) but it is not happening as much as I hope it to be.
As scouts, I do believe most of you would have heard of the phrase “A Good Turn A Day” (there was even a project by HQ based on this idea). The idea was that your scarf have a knot at the end it, to remind yourself to do a good deed everyday. You will then only untie this knot if the good deed has been done. This act of good turn can be a simple act of giving up your seat or giving way to others.
The objective of this post is to remind/spread the idea of A Good Turn A Day, be it scout or non-scout, Singapore or worldwide. I believe if this idea can be spread successfully, the world will be a much better place to live in.
Have you done your good turn today?
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